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American Fugitive Disc Art



File Information

Downloads: 80
Date Posted: 01-Jul-2021 5:25 PM
Created by: thatonedinoguy
Language: English

  0 ratings 


So, PieMonster left a comment critiquing my first rendition of my cover. Context on the original. The original was made in under 40 minutes on break at work and I wanted to get it done. After reviewing it when I got home, I found it lacking, but I wanted to get it uploaded to the site, printed onto the disk I had burned for the game, and move on. Thankfully, Piemonster took the time to give advice for changes that could be made to improve my first rendition and I'm much happier with this one. As per PieMonster's advice, I used a different piece of art (really like, one of only 3 that I could find) and offset it to the right. I used a clone tool to expand the background out, moved the rating and logos, and I have got to say, this is one of my better ones. I will say, I like to compartmentalize logos, labels, and ratings to different sides of the disk. I've yet to standardize my process though, but as long as I can answer What the game is, Who made it, and What's the rating, extra things like does it have dolby digital or what medium did I plan to burn it on doesn't matter. Personal opinion of course, I think thanks to PieMonster I made a fantastic improvement. Thank you.

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