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Call of Duty: WWII Disc Art



File Information

Downloads: 424
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2018 5:12 AM
Created by: Winters_be
Language: English
Disc Number: 1

  0 ratings 


Suitable for the SP part of the game without the DLDC's

Comments (3)

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DarkXess - 01-Jun-2018 12:49 PM

ahh I see, okay then, well no worries its "custom" anyways so do as you wish lol :)

Winters_be - 01-Jun-2018 12:02 PM

Since the label can be used either inside and outside of the EU, i think i can put both, though I don't really know if it's "legal"

Seems like it's a common practice since official games discs get many kind of rating on them.

DarkXess - 01-Jun-2018 11:57 AM

Can you put both the ESRB and PEGI rating on it? just wondering, I thought ESRB was for US and PEGI for Europe no?

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