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Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon Box Art



File Information

Downloads: 1446
Date Posted: 11-May-2013 11:11 AM
Created by: m4c1990
Language: English
Case Type: DVD
Cover Location: Front/Wrap

  2 ratings 


100% Custom back, with self made Background (Pink Grid and the Blue Polygon Mountain), took a bit to draw the lines like the original one ;)

What's better than my last one try?:

- "Retro" Font on the back in Blue with 2px black border
- Sharper Screenshots on the back with blue glow
- Extra Border for the Titles in the front and in the middle - better readable
- Removed the black background from the middle and put the front picture a bit more to the left - looks much better :)

English as always
No Rating System as always
Steam Specific Part on the bottom back as always

I amazed myself, so I want to get/play this game, because of my own Cover xD

Comments (8)

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maxgiao - 13-May-2013 11:48 AM

There, 5 stars now. thanks for the help LordKevin.

Arithen - 13-May-2013 10:19 AM

@maxgiao, your rating has been retracted so you can rate this cover again.

m4c1990 - 12-May-2013 7:44 PM

Suggestion N°2: change rating with reason ;)
@maxgiao, that happens.. I guess you thought 1 is best, Is this the only one you rated wrong by accident?

maxgiao - 12-May-2013 6:33 PM

Dude, thats terrible, isnt there a way to change it?, maybe with piemonster's help?, i fell like a monster now D:

m4c1990 - 12-May-2013 6:11 PM

No, I was just wondering since when nice = 2/5 is^^ I think it was a mistake, but even when, he/she can´t change the rating.. w/e

PieMonster - 12-May-2013 5:15 PM

I brought your star average up a bit.

m4c1990 - 12-May-2013 4:47 PM

"Very nice cover" and only 2 stars?
Was it a mistake or are you serious?^^
I mean this is the best cover for this game here imho..

maxgiao - 12-May-2013 4:41 PM

Very nice cover

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