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FEZ Box Art



File Information

Downloads: 541
Date Posted: 13-Sep-2015 1:10 PM
Created by: yo1dog
Language: English
Case Type: DVD
Cover Location: Front/Wrap

  0 ratings 


I took the back from alissongamer's cover here:

I like her back a lot but I wanted a slightly different front and spine and ESRB ratings instead of Pegi.

I used the original retail front but cropped it to hide the Polytron logo and added the ESRB rating.

On the spine I put the FEZ logo along with Gomez (the main character). I used alissongamer's style/idea of wrapping the gray background around which provided a nice backdrop for Gomez since he is pure white and would otherwise blend in with the white background.

I also created a version with a PC banner instead of the Steam one. You can find this and the PSD for this cover at the link below. I would have uploaded those here but the rules state that covers must include the Steam banner or they will be deleted. Feel free to edit and re-upload and do whatever you want with it.

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