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Grand Theft Auto V Disc Art



File Information

Downloads: 213
Date Posted: 21-Jul-2020 5:56 AM
Created by: riversgame
Language: English
Disc Number: 2

  2 ratings 


GTAV CD cover, I hope you will like itI made two discs with the capacity of Blu-ray Disc (50GB). If you like, please help me to score. Thank you all. :)*This Tye is RGB file.

Comments (2)

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riversgame - 24-Jul-2020 9:22 PM

I understand, but this is one type of typography, and it can also avoid openings. But this version will be a compact disc with an opening.
Thx :)

PieMonster - 24-Jul-2020 3:56 PM

It is awkward to have the game title placed in the center of the disc and cut off by the hole.

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