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Max Payne 2 Disc Art



File Information

Downloads: 501
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2012 10:55 AM
Created by: Razec
Language: English

  2 ratings 


This is a CD Cover for anyone who has both Max Payne 1 and 2, and has burned it into a single DVD. I made this primarily for myself, but I would like to share.

I saw someone has uploaded a very good label and case insert for both games, but since I hav

Comments (4)

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PieMonster - 03-Aug-2012 6:23 PM

I love your "collections" @Viper_Bravo. A Call of Duty one would be awesome!

Viper_Bravo - 03-Aug-2012 3:58 PM

Im already working on a DoW II Complete collection, to complement my DoW 1 collection covers. But have a Crack at it!

Razec - 03-Aug-2012 2:35 PM

Thanks for the comment. I didn't know where to put it.

Just so people could see it if they downloaded either cover.

But I understand what you mean.

I want to do a few others so I'm going to see if I do what you say, make a "Collection" of the games.

For instance, Dawn of War 2 and the expansion, or a set of Call of Duty games.

Viper_Bravo - 03-Aug-2012 11:48 AM

Looks pretty good Razec, nice addition to my work. "Collections" art I think should be labeled in there own game, so there easier to find, and then there is no double posting.

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