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Undertale Box Art



File Information

Downloads: 1482
Date Posted: 08-Oct-2015 4:37 AM
Created by: calculon559
Language: English
Case Type: DVD
Cover Location: Front/Wrap

  2 ratings 


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Comments (5)

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calculon559 - 01-Mar-2018 7:23 PM

Updated cover here, now with no typos!

tsiften - 27-Feb-2018 5:10 PM

Very nice cover but please fix the typo. Thanks for your work calculon559

Mastozz - 23-Feb-2018 1:41 AM

Haha, the typo isn't that bad tbh. It's not like the back cover is full of them. But how others haven't noticed it yet, is a mystery to me. Probably people who couldn't be bothered to make an account to comment tbh.
Oh and btw, love your game covers. Imo, your style is the best among the different types of covers. And the information etc. on them. They're fabulous

calculon559 - 22-Feb-2018 6:23 PM

@Mastozz I don't know what's worse, the typo, or the fact it took this long for someone to point it out! Oh well.

Mastozz - 22-Feb-2018 4:13 AM

Just FYI, do you know that the back text begins with "The Freindly"? It's just a small typo, but my unofficial OCD gets triggered haha

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