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A few doubts

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 10:02 am
by KimbaCPT
Hi! First of all, I hope to be writing this in the right place, I apologize if it isn't.

I'm new to the page, (although I've known her for a while), and I'd like to start uploading my own covers, but I have some doubts before I start:

1. What is the difference between the classic Steam template and the normal one (the blue one)? If I am right the change was made by the design changes on the Steam page, this led me to think that the classic template can be used for games published before the redesigns, and the blue template for games published after the redesigns (on the Steam page, I mean). Is that so?

2. Is there a template for the back of the covers? More specifically the legal information, as I have noticed that several covers have their own back design, some quite different from each other. Most consoles usually have something like that, where they put legal information and game features. I like to have my designs ordered, that's why I ask that :lol: .

3. Can you upload covers that already exist? I mean, if someone made a cover for X game, and I want to make my own version, is that allowed?

4. I almost forgot this. Some covers also have something called "Insert / Inside Panel". It looks like a booklet or manual, but I'm not sure, what is it?

Finally, I am using a translator, so I apologize for my bad English :oops: . I hope you can answer my questions, and thanks for reading!

Re: A few doubts

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 9:46 pm
by calculon559
1. The classic Steam template is just the old template; you are encouraged to use the current one as far as I know.
2. There is no template for the back of the covers as you've described it; you can do that however you like.
3. Yes, you most certainly can.
4. An Insert is just a bit of paper you can insert into your game packaging.

Hope this helps.

Re: A few doubts

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 5:20 pm
by PieMonster
Hi @KimbaCPT, welcome to the site; I can't wait to see your covers!

Like @Calcluon559 said, you are free to make whatever game cover you like so long as you follow 2 main rules:

1. It must be for game that has a Steam page.

2. You must use any template from our current template page.

Hope this helps.


Re: A few doubts

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 7:48 am
by KimbaCPT
thank you both! :D