You have 1 more week to enter our Torchlight II sweepstakes!

Any news or announcements regarding Steam Game Covers.
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You have 1 more week to enter our Torchlight II sweepstakes!

Post by PieMonster »

Anyone else down now that the Steam Summer Sale is over with? Not me! I've got so many new games to play; there's no time to mope!
Anyway, I just wanted to mention that we are approaching the end of our Torchlight II sweepstakes. If you're working on any covers, I would highly suggest you finish them up and upload them soon. Unfortunately, the game STILL has no release date other than "Summer 2012". No worries though; the winner will receive a pre-order voucher for the game instead.

As we approach July 31st I will be going over all of the entries and removing invalid ones. What could cause your cover to be removed? We've updated our FAQ with a list of reason. Please read them here:

Another thing I will be doing this week is adding badges to your profile page. If you've submitted a cover between July 1st and 31st, 2012 you're a participator! Be proud to show it off; you've earned it!

Full sweepstakes rules can be found at the link below. That's it for now! Crank out those covers! ... f=18&t=224

FREE disc and case art for STEAM games:
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